Norman´s playground

Some people told me they feel reminded about the Bates house from Hitchcock´s PSYCHO movie when seeing my watercolors of abandoned houses. So I finally decided to paint the house from the movie. I made a 2 minute pencil sketch in my notebook from a movie still to get familiar with the scenery but the watercolor was painted without reference. I tried to find a color composition that fits to the mood of the black & white movie.

216_2017 Watercolor / Fabriano Artistico rough 61 x 45,5 cm / 24´ x 17.9´ / Lukas Aquarell 1862 “Norman´s Playground”

Einige Leute haben mir erzählt, dass sie sich bei Ansicht meiner Aquarelle von leerstehenden Häusern an das Bates Haus aus Hitchcocks PSYCHO erinnert fühlten. Also habe ich mich entschlossen, das Haus aus dem Film zu malen. Ich habe eine 2 Minuten Bleistift-Skizze nach einem Film-Standfoto in mein Notizbuch gezeichnet, um mich mit der Szenerie vertraut zu machen, das eigentliche Aquarell habe ich dann aber ohne direkte Vorlage gemalt. Ich habe versucht, eine Farbkomposition zu finden, die die Stimmung des Schwarz-weiß Films übersetzt.

10 thoughts on “Norman´s playground

    1. Really??! Do you think so, Aletha? I wonder why so many people find abandoned houses scary. Is it the imagination inspired by movies like PSYCHO or do abandoned houses have something inside them that makes people shiver? I am so fascinated by the beauty of these remains that become one with nature again that it is hard for me to understand why other people find them scary. 🙂

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      1. I didn’t mean that the abandoned houses in general are scary — no, just THIS one. You’ve nailed the association with the movie perfectly. I think your abandoned houses generally are incredibly beautiful. They have a great sense of romance about the past and connection to nature. They are so lovely. Your abandoned houses are beautiful.

        This one, however, is Hitchcockianly scary …

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