
I have no idea why this one turned out so crooked. I must have been really tired last night and did not even realize that I painted something slanted –  it was not a plan. 🙂

Ich habe keine Ahnung warum dieses so schief geworden ist. Ich muss letzte Nacht wirklich müde gewesen sein, denn beim Malen habe ich es nicht bemerkt – es war nicht geplant. 🙂

129_2017 Watercolor / paper: Hahnemühle Anniversary Edition ca.48 x 36 cm / 18.9 x 14.2 in / paints: Lukas Aquarell 1862


16 thoughts on “Crooked

      1. Glad to know you are off alcohol. Forgive the light comment It’s odd i should have made it. I have great respect for recovering alcoholics; my husband is one and it is no joke. There is no going back-ever, and one is always at risk. So stay as you are and get drunk painting. The results are awesome and fun.

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  1. Your dedication is wonderful, but maybe you need to get some more rest. The crookedness can be expressive. You not knowing it was crooked, though, that doesn’t sound good. There’s a mystery in there! I notice the water is nearly perfectly straight — parallel to the edge!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s still a wonderful image — kind of spiral composition — radiating effect. We who follow this blog always knew you could paint in your sleep! Nightshift work is challenging, no doubt. It is a form of automatic drawing, very intriguing. I’m glad you posted it!

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  2. Hi I’ve not commented here before, I usually leave leave a ‘like’ here and there but I had to say this really caught my interest. I understand it was an accident but it works, it’s interesting. I’m always drawn to the surreal, the skewed image. This surprises.

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